Sweet Briar Farm is a small family owned private farm in Hernando Co . We raise purebred Nubian dairy goats as well as run a small flock of free range and  cage free chickens. We raise Kune Kune pigs, Tamuk rabbits, and LGDs on our farm. We incorporate humane farm practices and our animals are treated with love and respect. Our goat kids are dam raised which means happy healthy goats.  No babies are ever taken away from their mommas before weaning. All of our livestock is raised on grass pasture . We do not expose our milking goats to chemicals and pesticides and use crop rotation as part of our sustainable practices. We do not use antibiotics on our stock except for life threatening emergencies which are very rare. Should an animal require medication it is removed from milk and egg production. We do not use hormones period.

 We are licensed to sell our dairy products by the FL Dept. of Agriculture Feed master license



Give us a call today, we would love to hear from you.